
Offense Taken: Microaggressions in Society Essay

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In the society we know today, we often believe that it has evolved above racism and all have grown to look past race and see someone only as the person they are. However, in a society where racist messages have institutionalized themselves to the underlying morals of its inhabitants, there is no logic in believing in this archetype of society. Existing since the 1970s when coined by Chester M. Pierce, the term micoaggressions went through serious refining at the hands of Derald Wing Sue, Ph.D., professor of counseling psychology at Colombia University. He has solidified the definition of microaggressions as “…brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that …show more content…

Microaggressions have been further generalized under a category of racism identified as aversive racism, where discriminating parties tend to find security by associating with those similar to them, thus marginalizing other parties. While working with his colleagues, Sue further categorized microaggressions into three different divisions: microassaults, microinsult, and microinvalidation. This further categorization has let those guilty of using microaggressions how they have the negative effect that they do. The three different categories of microaggressions are judged based on what is used to insinuate a negative or racist message toward a minority. Microassault is defined as “…an explicit racial derogation characterized primarily by a verbal attack meant to hurt the intended victim through name calling, avoidant behavior, or purposeful discriminatory actions”, while microinsults as “…communications that convey rudeness and insensitivity and demean a person’s racial heritage or identity”, and, finally, microinvalidations as “…communications that exclude negate, or nullify the psychological thoughts feelings, or experiential reality of a person of color” (Sue 274). Clear definitions have let the general public be aware of how microaggressions

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