
Essay on Offshore Outsourcing

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Offshore Outsourcing

Currently, it has been reported that many of our jobs, as much as one out of every three private-sector jobs are being sent overseas.

What is offshore outsourcing?

Outsourcing occurs when a firm subcontracts a business function to an outside supplier. Outsourcing is mainly the result of companies who will always pursue the lowest-cost structure, which means less skilled work will move out of the U.S. to emerging economies.

Many believes that this is a good thing, because living standards around the world will rise, and workers in developing nations will get new and higher-paying jobs, and consumers in the U.S. will be able to buy products that are cheaper than if they were made at home. …show more content…

This positive change in our economy now has many economists believing that the same process is going on in services.

Why offshore outsourcing?

Many businesses have turns to offshoring as a way to boost their profits. The most obvious benefits of offshoring for the businesses and English-speaking destination countries are the lower wages in foreign countries such as India, China, Korea, Philippines, etc… which translates into significant savings and often, improved quality.
Offshoring doesn’t just benefit businesses alone, a recent McKinsey Global Institute study notes that offshore outsourcing will allow America to capture economic value through multiple channels:

• Cost savings: For every dollar of spending on business services that moves offshore, U.S. companies save 58 cents. The savings from reduced costs means more savings, which can be passed to consumers or to investors to reinvest.

• New revenues: Companies that provide offshore services need goods and services themselves, ranging from computer and telecommunications equipment to legal, financial and marketing expertise. And often they buy these from the U.S. companies.

• Repatriated earnings: Many offshore service providers are in fact U.S. companies that repatriate earnings.

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