
Okonkwo In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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In the village of Umuofia, they believe different gods and spirits, but mostly they believed that the men were the ultimate/stronger gender. In this village, if a man were too soft, lazy, or had sympathy, they were seen as weak and useless to the world. I think that Oknonwo fits his culture perfectly. Okonkwo is a very hard-hearted man that does his best every day to not become his father. His father, Unoka, was seen as a very weak man. His father never worked for what he wanted, he always took the lazy way and expected it to work. He also liked music and showed compassion. All these things were seen as an abomination to their culture. Okonkwo never wanted to be like his father, so at a young age, he became cold and only cared about himself. He became so cold that he even killed Ikemefuna, someone he became fond of …show more content…

Even though he felt weak for that moment, really quick he "begun to feel like his old self again. All that he required was something to occupy his mind" (69). Okonkwo never showed compassion or hurt, even if he may have felt it, he never showed it outwardly. The only real emotion that he has ever shown is anger. Honestly, I do not find that Okonkwo does not fit in his village. He fits his village's image of what men are supposed to be almost to a T. The only thing I would say is that at some moments, he feels as though he is better than most people in his village. He one time called a man a "women" just because the man had no title. He told this man before a meeting had started that, "this meeting is for men" (26). Another thing that makes him a little different, is that if his wife would not do something right, he would beat her. He became so angry one time that he "ran madly into his room for the loaded gun, ran out again and aimed at her" (39). He thankfully did not shoot

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