
Okonkwo In Things Fall Apart

Decent Essays

Throughout our lives, many stories have been told to us from fairytales to life lessons. These stories may seem as for entertainment, however little of people know, these stories lingering beneath our mind and slowly shape our world. In Things Fall Apart, the characters Okonkwo and the missionaries tell stories to themselves and people and how these stories have a great impact on their lives. Okonkwo spends his whole life running away from his dad. He does not want to be his dad who was thought as weak. He hated and ashamed of his dad laziness and titleless. He always reminds himself not be like his dad. For this reason, he tries to everything to prove to people that he is not weak. He married many wives, become one of best wrestles and …show more content…

These stories lead him to be strong outside, but weak in the inside. For example, when Ikemefuna cry out “ My father, they killed me” as he ran toward him. Dazed with fear, Okonkwo drew his machete and cut him down.”(61) . He loves Ikemefuna as his son, but was scared and in fear of being thought as weak, he ended up killing Ikemefuna. The story of weakness took control of his action. Although, he always try to be strong, but the weakness always present in him. His weakness appear more after the death of Ikemefuna, “He tried not to think about Ikemefuna, but the more he tried the more he thought about him… He was weak that his legs could hardly carry him. (63) Okonkwo was suffering with grief. He was not able to eat, not able to walk and not able to forget Ikemefuna because he was so weak. He never showed his emotions and always appear to be a strong and tough guys. However, when it comes to emotions and feelings, he does not know how to deal with them so he let them control himself. He spends his whole life running away but he was not able to escape from his dad. Another example of Okonkwo weakness is when Obierika brought the Commissioner to Okonkwo’s obi, “Then they came to the tree from which Okonkwo’s body was dangling, and

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