
Okonkwo Tragic Hero

Decent Essays

Aristotle once defined a tragic hero as, “a literary character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to his/her own destruction”. In the novel, Things Fall Apart, written by Chinua Achebe, main character, Okonkwo is believed to be a tragic hero. A tragic hero is usually deserving of respect, is powerful and holds a tragic flaw. Okonkwo fits the definition of tragic hero by being a prosperous and respected leader in Umuofia, possessing a tragic flaw, and finding his destiny. First off a tragic hero is described with high social class, Chinua Achebe describes Okonkwo as “well known throughout the nine villages and beyond” (Achebe 7). Okonkwo did not inherit any of his father’s property. He was self driven and hardworking, he worked hard to earn his riches and gain the respect he got. Okonkwo provided for his 3 wives and children. Each wife was given a broad compound with obi and a large stock of yams. Okonkwo’s self achievements brought him respect from people all over. “As a young man of eighteen, he had brought honor to his village by throwing the Amalinze the Cat. …show more content…

He has a great fear of weakness and failure. His fear of becoming anything like his lazy father, helped motivate himself to work hard. “He had no patience with unsuccessful men. He had no patience with his father” (Achebe 8). This flaw also caused many conflicts in his life causing him to act out on others, such as his family. Okonkwo was brutal among his family members to show them he was not weak. “Whenever he was angry and could not get his words out quickly enough, he would use his fists” (Achebe 43). In order to look strong and powerful, Okonkwo decides to kill Ikemefuna and beat his wives. This not only destroys his relationships with Nywoe and his wives, it affects his own mental health. His impetuous and vicious acts draw him to kill a court messenger during a clan meeting which brings Okonkwo to soon find his tragic

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