
Okonkwo's Fear

Decent Essays

Fear may be the most driving force in this book for most of the characters, specifically Okonkwo. Okonkwo had a terrible childhood full of resentment toward his father. Okonkwo’s father, Unoka, was a lazy beggar. He barely worked so his spouse and children had very little to eat and nearly no money. However, Unoka worked to get money with the slyness of his tongue. He would ask friends and relatives for money and/or food. By the end of his life, Unoka had piled up so much debt that people were coming after him nearly every day to be repaid. When he was a child, Okonkwo was afraid he would not have a meal due to his father’s irresponsibility; this fear left a scar so deep that he let the fear of becoming like his father drive him to work harder

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