
Old Rita Monologue

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They named me after the old Rita tree that our village honored, because my hair was the same color as its leaves in the fall. Bright red and obnoxious; the all in your face kind. My mother thought it suited me well because it was like me...obnoxious.

My mother loved me dearly, and she sang to me the song of her homeland every day. My father had died in the war when I was three so I don’t remember him much. My mother said he was strong, extremely dependable yet gentle and observant, he was a bit outspoken but he stood up for the weak and how he loved her cranberry apple cakes.

The villagers didn’t seem to see him in that light. I heard all sorts of bad things about him from them, how he was a coward and he ran away from the war, and how he was the one who dishonored my mother at a young age so she couldn’t marry the aristocrat she was gonna marry. I never paid them any mind because I believed my mother and she never lied to me. Plus they always said thing for the sole purpose of making me angry and lash out just so they could call me …show more content…

I knew that they were just mean people who wanted to hurt me and my mother.

When I was seven I had learned to trust no one. It was my self-defense mechanism that I had developed from countless times of being tricked and had pig food poured all over me or been dumped into a deep river with my hands tied and countless other time where I’ve had near death experiences.

One day after my eighth birthday I went to the market to get something so I could make dinner. I wasn’t very tall at that age, being eight and all, but even for an eight year old I was pretty on the short side so it was hard for me to see over the tables into the vender’s area. Mairea’s vegetable stall was the cheapest one out there so it was the one I always went to. She didn’t like me very much and took to calling me she-devil because my hair was the color of the… you

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