
Omnipotent Control And Power In George Orwell's 1984

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Love, hate, fear, and the undying ambition of human nature are all recurring themes in George Orwell’s 1984, as he illustrates the Party’s omnipotent control and power over its citizens. Through the use of the imposing figure of Big Brother, telescreens, slogans, and the Thought Police, the Party was able to infect its people with a constant state of paranoia. This inventive system makes it impossible for even a notion of rebellion to occur, thus causing the Party to sustain complete power over everyone. However, all of these do not compare to the way in which the establishment of “doublethink” has overpowered every aspect of human nature, and has given the Party the capability to control everything, including the human mind. From the beginning of the novel, the apparent authority and imposing figure of Big Brother is displayed far and wide. The constant fear of his wrath is plastered in an omnipresent manner through posters and slogans such as “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU” (Orwell 3). Through this propaganda, Big Brother succeeds in emanating a vigorous feeling of constantly being watched and observed, causing Winston and the people of the Party to be in a continuous state of fear. On the contrary, posters and slogans aren't the only ways in which the Party achieves its goal of inducing its people in a constant state of paranoia. Telescreens are also very influential in keeping the people fearful and paranoid because they are always under surveillance. These screens expel

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