
On The Origin Of Species Analysis

Decent Essays

There are many sensitive topics that humans chose not to discuss with each other. One topic in particular is if there truly is a God. Many people talk there way out of this conversation for one main reason, insecurity. People become insecure about the topic of God because they are scared to face the world as if there isn’t one. To put this into perspective, you get people such as Dorothy Day, who expresses her beliefs in her passage, “Poverty in the Face of Christ,” that the world is meant to be equal and live for, and around God. Then you get people like Charles Darwin, who writes about his belief in his passage, “On the Origin of Species,” that life is revolved around science rather than a God. While both sides can easily plead their case, …show more content…

In his passage, Darwin explains how God isn’t the true answer to everything, but rather science is. To explain the Universe and how it was created, he states that there was a “Big Bang.” Knowing what the Bang is helped Darwin create a model which shows how light elements were created, it determined how old the universe is, and more. He also goes into the topic of natural selection and struggle for existence. Natural selection means that all humans are basically for themselves to survive, which goes against the word of God, along with the beliefs of Day, that everyone is meant to be equal and accept each other. It also means that if you are born in a dessert, it is up to you to figure out how to survive, no one is coming to save you it is just how the world was created. And for struggle to existence, Darwin states, “Hence, as more individuals are produced than can possibly survive, there must in every case be a struggle for existence, either one individual with another of the same species or with the individuals of distinct species, or with the physical condition of life” (Pg. 80, On The Origin of Species). In other words, there will always be a fight with something in the world, nothing will ever be perfect or fair for everyone. The ones who go out and achieve what they want will succeed, and others will …show more content…

Day believes that we can exist in relation to the Triune God due to the belief that God is real, and the fact that she grew up in a time where peace was a common theme. However, in modern day this simply doesn’t work. The reason it doesn’t work is due to equality not being achievable, and the fact God may not even exist. Living in a world full of capitalism and competition, people aren’t willing to accept being equal. And as Hume’s proved, people learn through experience, not by innate ideas, thus contradicting the belief there is a God. This all leads to Darwin, that we live in a world full of science. The universe was made by the Big Bang, we all compete against each other through natural selection, and we fight to exist. Sorry God, if you’re truly out there, but society is moving into a new state of

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