
On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft By Stephen King

Decent Essays

Task # 1: C.V. The art of language encompasses many different techniques and styles which writers can utilize in order to improve their craft with proper use and placement. In section one of Stephen King’s non-fiction text On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft he recounts various memories of his childhood and path to transition into the accomplished writer most know him as. To enhance the readers experience and fluidity of his writing, King uses various literary elements and techniques that people would frequently connect with fictional pieces. He scatters similes, staples of fictional writing, all throughout section one. By using similes in parts of his memories King further ensures that readers understand the emotions he tries to express. As he refers to a massive wooden desk of his, speaking of all the dark and unhappy times he spent sitting behind it, King uses a simile to present the very emotions he was feeling all that time. He writes, “For six years I sat behind that desk either drunk or wrecked out of my mind, like a ship’s captain in charge …show more content…

In a passage recalling a time when he shared a drink with a friend while celebrating his accomplishments, he casually speaks with the bartender in regards to a sign. King writes, “I point to the sign and ask, “Who comes in at eight-fifteen in the morning and orders a screwdriver?” I’m smiling but he doesn’t smile back. “College boys,” he replies. “Just like you.”” (91). By including dialogue in the passage King gets the leverage he needs to make the scene seem more truthful and realistic. With the dialogue of the actual encounter between him and the bartender there lies not only evidence of its reality, but also the addition of personality to develop the characters and detail. While each of these literary elements has uniqueness, they all successfully influence the passages in positive

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