
One Size Fit Few Analysis

Decent Essays

In One Size Fits Few: The Folly of Educational Standards, the author Susan Ohanian closely studies the establishments and effects of standards-based classrooms in the U.S. Each year educators experience the joys and frustrations of using standards and standardized assessments as the primary means of monitoring student achievement. Many educators believe classroom standards are beautiful, but should it be the driving force of the school? Susan Ohanian provides readers with a personal perspective on the major impact educator officials have placed on teacher and students with the use of standards. For example, the author believes what “standardistos” are trying to sow from coast to coast is a political agenda camouflaged as academic excellence. This is the agenda of a class war that devours the young of the poor as well as the middle- and upper-class young who don’t respond well to lock-step commands. This means educational officials are not necessarily in it for the youth in the educational system, but are only going along with following their own agenda. It seems to all boil down to politics, business, and money. As a result, the ones that are at an economic disadvantage appear to suffer the most. …show more content…

Some students prefer to attend trade school, immediately go into the workforce, or not go to college at all. All children, including the economically disadvantage, should have the same opportunity as the less disadvantaged to master classroom standards and skills. The text states, “Some people will be presidents, others will be custodians. We need both. If our society is to function, we need every manner of worker. The shame is not in being a manual laborer, a waitress, or a health-service aide. The shame is that we refuse to pay these people a living

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