
Tnready: The Use Of Standardized Testing In Schools

Decent Essays

“Mostly, they worry that common standards would reduce teaching to only a small range of testable information and would not produce the knowledge, flexibility and creativity needed. Buttressing this concern, the Center on Education Policy found that the emphasis on test-based accountability has indeed already narrowed the curriculum” (Mathis). Standardized testing has become a controversial topic recently throughout the nation because of the harsh, confined lessons teachers are being forced to give. According to a news article written by the New York Times, teenagers nationwide are taking anti-depressants to cope with test-related stress and teachers would rather retire than teach when the government seems to value testing over learning. Teachers …show more content…

In an article presented by the Washington Post as recently as February of 2016, “FairTest also noted that it makes no sense to attach high-stake consequences on such deeply flawed tools…” (Washington). Barbara Gray, Tennessee Education Association President, explains that the scores they earn on these evaluations should not affect the students’ classes and grades. These tests should not be given unless they have been proven to function properly, and even then they still should not affect upcoming placements. Consequently, the recent induction of TNReady, Tennessee’s newest state mandated test given to students from third to eleventh grade, has failed. Students and teachers all over the state prepped in advance for the upcoming tests to see the entire system crash upon the first day of testing. Two weeks passed by before the education officials ordered all schools to administer the tests by paper and pencil. This put a lot of pressure on teachers and students to keep prepared while they waited to discover what they would do about the assessments which created an enormous amount of anxiety related to if they were ready for them or not. The crash of TNReady is just one example of faulty tests, and it is definitely a prime example of how stressful these situations are for …show more content…

These tests have been faulty and inadequate for use of assessment when given electronically. Also, the stress put on students to perform well overworks their brain, giving them poorer scores than hoped for. Both students and teachers have been so worried by the scores that they have cheated to get the scores they truly hope for, leading to inaccurate results for the entire school system. Nonetheless, schools are still using these results to define their students’ intelligence and refine their schedules for upcoming years. These assessments are so important to the state’s performance rate of students, yet they are not proven to provide accurate information of the population’s true aptitude. If the government continues to administer such defective evaluations to the people we will lose the true value of an education across the nation, and the stress levels of students and teachers will continue to rise at an inordinate

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