
Ontological Argument For The Existence Of God

Decent Essays

Title: Whether God exists or not?
Name: Kapil Jayesh Pathak.
Roll Number: 13110076.
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Whether God Exists Or Not
About Ontological Argument by St. Anselm: According to Ontological Argument by St. Anselm, suppose we imagine an object or a being which is greater than anything what we can imagine, and we think that that being is only in our concepts, i.e., it does not present in reality, if all of sudden, a being we imagined comes in existence in our real life, that is the greatest thing that can happen in the world. But already we have imagined that nothing can be greater than the being we have imagined, so it contradicts our assumption that the being we imagined is only restricted to our thinking and not the real world. So fro, Ontological Argument by St. Anselm, we can conclude two possibilities mathematically,
• If A has every property that B has and also A is in reality but B is not in reality, then A is greater than B.
• If …show more content…

This phrase means that the being about which we are talking, is more perfect in all aspects than anyone else. That being is the perfection at which one can reach maximum. As we understand an every property and every functionality of every object in the world, we can think about the perfection of that property of that object. So there should be the maximum limit to every property of that particular object. As every object we can see in our surrounding has some faults, that every object in our surrounding is not perfect in every single aspect, so as considering maximum possibility of the existence of God, ultimately there can be a single object, which is perfect in all aspects and to that being or object we can call as ‘God’. So basically argument by Si. Anselm says that if we can think of any particular property of any object then we can also think about the maximum perfection to that

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