
Opening Door For Women Research Paper

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Opening Doors for Women: Etiquette, or Systematic Oppression?

For generations, men holding doors open for women has been considered common courtesy. However, researchers are now certain that this is an example of deep-rooted misogyny masquerading as chivalry. Researchers are calling this, among other prevalent actions, “benevolent sexism”, stating that it is much more difficult to recognize than more aggressive examples of oppression.

Spotting a benevolent sexist isn’t easy, so it is important that you make yourself aware of the signs. That way, you can call it out when you see it and be a small time hero for womankind. Holding the door for women isn’t the only tell-tale sign of a benevolent sexist, there are several others that you …show more content…

Most people write off that behavior as “tradition” or “chivalry”, however, it is much darker than that. The one true reason that a man would refuse to let a woman pay for, or at the very least split a bill, stems from a deep feeling of gender superiority. Men like this see women as lesser people and likely not much more than objects. The fact that this train of thought still exists today, is disgusting, to say the least.

Other examples of benevolent sexism include men offering women their jacket or coat on a brisk day, giving women nicknames such as “honey” or “baby” (“baby” is my least favorite, it implies that women have the mental capacity and the usefulness of a child), complimenting a woman on her looks, exclusively watching men’s sports while showing little to no interest in women’s leagues, and many others. If your man believes that women shouldn’t be equally represented in the US military, then you might be dating a sexist.

When a man says that he prefers “traditional values” or a “traditional home”, it is crucial that we all understand what that man is actually saying; “I don’t think that women are worthy of a healthy lifestyle that us men get to enjoy, and thus they should be held back from their true

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