
Operant Conditioning Paper

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Introduction Operant conditioning is described as the way of learning in which the future likelihood of a particular behavior is affected by it consequences. Interested in animal intelligence, the first experimental studies of operant conditioning were attempted by Edwin L. Thorndike in the 1890s (Powell, Honey, & Symbaluk, 2013). Of the many experiments Thorndike conducted with animals, the most famous experiment involved cats (Powell, Honey, & Symbaluk, 2013). Thorndike placed cats in an enclosed puzzle box and placed a dish of food outside of the puzzle box for the cat. The mail goal of the experiment was to see how quickly the cat could learn to escape the puzzle box to reach the food. After many repeated trials the cat eventually …show more content…

In a normal operant conditioning chamber, the rat is able to receive food pellets by learning to press a response lever. Skinner described the procedure as a “free …show more content…

It is also possible that some consequences that seem to act as positive reinforcements, may actually be more of an aversive stimulus. When the rat finally learns to press the lever down with enough force, it closes the switch that enables the food magazine to release a reinforcement pellet. After a few more trials where the rat receives a pellet for pressing down on the lever when it is hungry, that rat has managed to learn an entirely new behavior through shaping (Powell, Honey, & Symbaluk, 2013).

The operant conditioning experiment included one female rat (K13). My hypothesis for the experiment is that K13 will be conditioned to press the lever in the Skinner operant chamber 2,000 times in a 30 minute time period. K13 was weighed before starting operant condition, weighing in at 233g. The rat’s weight was multiplied by 0.85 in order to calculate her goal weight for the experiment; making the goal weight 199g. The first two trials were used to determine if the rat responded quicker to a FR or a VR, and in to familiarize the rat with the type of positive reinforcement that she would be rewarded with. The first trial in the

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