
Operant Examining Research

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Operant leaning plays a role in helping experts assess the cognizance behavior of premature infants. Babies born at an early gestational age do not learn in the same fashion as babies do that are born at a later gestational age. In premature infants, research has shown that they learn at a different rate than babies who are born full-term. Experts have been able to test this theory by assessing their reaction to stimuli.
In the past, operant learning was underappreciated in the field of developmental psychology; especially when assessing preterm infants is concerned. The lack of appreciation was partly due to how psychologists viewed baby’s brains. It was not viewed as it is today, but rather thought of as lacking maturity for learning. In …show more content…

Essentially, operant learning is a behavior that can be reinforced or reduced by consequences which occurs from the surroundings. According to (Chance, 2014 pp. 133), “in learning, reinforcement means an increase in the strength of behavior due to its consequence.” In addition, there are four main forms of operant learning. The types of operant learning include: positive and negative reinforcement and positive and negative punishment. When positive reinforcement is concerned the consequence can be seen as the stimulus becomes greater. The opposite occurs when negative reinforcement is concerned; a behavior is reinforced by lessening the intensity of the stimulus. In most cases, the stimulus is something that one desires to avoid. According to (Chance, 2014 pp.136), “reinforcing events cannot be identified a priori; the only proof that a consequence is reinforcing is that it strengthens the behavior it …show more content…

In particularly, motor planning, the sensorimotor development and cognition are usually underdeveloped in preterm babies. Therapy is one way to rectify these deficits; these problems can be resolved if they are identified and therapy is initiated quickly. Working with an infant’s sensorimotor development may include exercises that check reflexes and reactions. Also, other types of motor skills may be strengthened like reaching and grasping for a toy.
The majority of these skills do not require a direct correlation with the environment. However, experts may be able to learn the areas where preterm babies are struggling when cause and effect actions are monitored. Some people may feel that these problems may originate from lower intelligence scores. However, the issue with premature babies does not always relate to their intelligence. The premature infant has the full capacity to learn and to be taught, they are just a little slower than other babies who were not born

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