
Essay On Clinical Rotation

Decent Essays

During my clinical rotation in the surgical department at VCH, I was able to observe two surgeries. I observed a skin graft placement on a five-year-old male patient. I also was able to observe the end of a pyloromyotomy on a three-week-old female. I spent the majority of my day in the OR shadowing a nurse but was able to spend a little bit of time in the PACU. During my rotation, I interacted with several members of the OR team including surgeons, surgical techs, anesthesiologists, and several RN’s. The first surgery I observed was a skin graft placement. The patient was a five-year-old male who had an accident on his mother’s treadmill three weeks prior to his surgery. The patient’s mother stated that the patient was walking on her treadmill when he fell and got his hand stuck in the belt of the treadmill. The accident resulted in deep partial and full thickness burns and loss of skin on four of the patient’s fingers. The mother stated that the wounds on her son’s …show more content…

The nurse verified the patient’s identity and expected procedure with his mother. The patient was talkative and cooperative when we brought him to the operating room. I watched the anesthesiologist sedated the patient with gas. After the patient was sedated, the nurse inserted the PIV and the anesthesiologist intubated the patient. After the patient was positioned on the table and prepped with betadine, on his hand and possible donor skin graft sites, the surgeon began the procedure. First, the surgeon debrided the wound on the patient's hand. After examining the wound and decided the amount of kin needed, the surgeon harvested skin from the patient's upper inner arm. The surgeon then prepped the donor skin and stitched it onto each affected finger. After the skin graft was finished the patient's hand was bandaged and covered with a cast. The whole procedure lasted about four

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