
Ophelia's Overcoming Events In Hamlet

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Ophelia’s Overcoming Event
Suicide and murder are two different things, but involve one similarity, death. Hamlet is considered to be one of the greatest plays of all time, written by William Shakespeare. In the play there is a love interest between the main character Hamlet, and Ophelia the daughter of one of the King’s officials. Throughout the play their love interest escalates. The ongoing argument of Ophelia's death has been debated if it was suicide or an accident. Although Ophelia was not diagnosed with being crazy the following events leading her up to her death would make anyone go mad enough to end the pain and commit suicide. Ophelia’s world comes crashing down all in a short period of time. Polonius never approved …show more content…

This is an event that would make any young women like Ophelia go insane. Prior to the unexpected death of her father Hamlet and her go through a messy break up and she is humiliated in front of the King and Polonius. Hamlet is ruthless and cruel and demands she goes to become a nun. “Get thee to a nunnery! Why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?” (Act 3, Scene 1 lines 130-131) While Polonius thinks Hamlet has gone mad because of love, Ophelia is going mad. After her father’s murder she talks a lot about death, and people notice through her constant singing in a crazed way. “ He is dead and gone, lady, He is dead and gone; At his head a grass- green turf, At his heels a stone.” ( Act 6, Scene 5, Lines 33-36) She is going crazy because the man she thought she would be married to and love killed her father and now she is alone. Poor girl is mourning her beloved father’s death and does not know how to cope with the loss of her father. Ophelia feels alone and scared and to end the suffering she decides to commit suicide and end it all. Ophelia was not in the right state of mind when she committed suicide. A

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