
Opiates Research Paper

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Opiate withdrawal can be scary to experience or witness—and is best handled with certain measures of care. Kū Aloha Ola Mau has offered alcohol and substance abuse treatments in Hawaii’s communities since 1976. The treatment center’s compassionate and holistic approach to recovery is supported by a belief in educating communities and removing stigma around these issues.

Opiates are often prescribed for pain and include drugs like Oxycontin, Vicodin, Methadone and Dilaudid. Although useful to treat pain, these drugs also can lead to addiction issues. Withdrawal effects occur when a person’s body is adjusting to no longer having opiates in its system. Opiate withdrawal can range from mild to severe. Factors impacting severity include how long a person was using opiates, what type of drug were being taken and at what dosage.

Early symptoms typically start within 24 hours after a person stops taking the drug and can include aches, anxiety, restlessness, runny nose, excessive sweating and sleeplessness. Later symptoms may be more intense and tend to begin on the first day. These can include diarrhea, cramping in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, rapid heartbeat, dilated pupils, blurred vision and high blood pressure. …show more content…

Mild withdrawal symptoms can be helped with drugs such as Tylenol, Aspiring or Ibuprofen. There are also medications that can help with diarrhea. More intense withdrawal symptoms may require other medications, such as Clonidine, which reduces symptoms including anxiety, aches, restlessness, runny nose and cramping. In the most severe cases, hospitalization will be required. It is imperative to seek the diagnosis and advice of a qualified healthcare professional to determine the severity of symptoms and what course of treatment is

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