
Opposing Viewpoints on The Lord´s Supper of Luther and Zwinglu

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The ceremony of the Lord’s Supper at Marburg in 1529 triggered numerous heartless debates amongst two protagonists Luther and Zwingli. Throughout the Reformation era, debates played an important role, as they were a main mechanism in familiarizing the Reformation into countless towns. Debates were a means of resolving differences amongst like-minded Protestant groups. Landgrave Philip of Hesse had summoned the Hessian Chancellor Feige to send for both Luther and Zwingli for the express and urgent purpose of settling their dispute over the Lord’s Supper. Therefore, the purpose of this debate was to solve the dispute over how Luther and Zwingli saw the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
Luther undoubtedly believed the colloquy is well …show more content…

433). The opinions of Luther and Zwingli were neither new nor sacrilegious, but were based on belief and the Scripture.
After Oecolampadius spoke, Zwingli said the Lord’s Supper must be symbolic. It is ever apparent and even required by the article of faith: “taken up into heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father” (p. 433). It is ridiculous to search for him in the Lord’s Supper the identical time in which Christ is telling individuals that he is located in heaven. One and the identical body cannot be in dissimilar locations. Zwingli stated they call upon Luther to provide glory to God as well as to stop begging the query. Zwingli questioned the proof of Luther’s position as Zwingli willingly contemplates the words Luther says extremely carefully. He knew Luther was trying to outwit him. At this point Zwingli stands by the sixth chapter of John, verse 63, and says that he will not be shaken from it.
Due to the excerpt from the vivacious and often brutal debate between Zwingli and Luther, I believe that the Reformation debates led to further hostility rather than compromise and unity between religious and sectarian opponents. I mainly believe that due to this debate being frequently brutal.
There was only one major implication that this caused for the future of the Protestant Reformation. That one major implication was that debates continued to be brutal and

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