
Optimism In Night

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Hope and optimism can be a very broad topic but that all depends on how you look at it. And by no means are they the same thing. Optimism is being confident of the future or confident in the success of something. Hope is a feeling that something desired might happen which is completely different from actually believing something and having confidence in it. Some say optimism is a lifestyle choice which is completely rational. Both of these topics are shown throughout all these following pieces of literature and in the film. Hope and optimism are both positive things to live by but these examples can show that maybe sometimes it can backfire on you.

In Night, hope and optimism are also revealed to be dangerous.It’s hard for Elie Wiesel to be …show more content…

Many people chose their own lifestyle and live the way they want to live. Beasts of the Southern Wild, deepens our thinking that perhaps optimism is critically linked to our ability to come to terms with where we are. Everyone in the bathtub lives their for a reason and that reason is they do not want to live with a tag on them wherever they are. When people see them living in the bathtub, they think that they need help and are stranded there, but what they don't know is that out of the places they could live, they chose there. This gives them freedom. They can live however they want with no boundaries. Wink, who is Hushpuppy’s father, is an interesting character to the film. He is a very strong figure who wants no help with anything. Raising his daughter is all he cares about. Wink has some disease and only cares about showing his six year old daughter how to live on her own. One thing we hear wink say is “ I got it under control” (Zeitlin). This is a very strong quote by him refusing help. This deepens our knowledge for him as a character by showing us how strong he is as a character and how much dignity he has. It shows us that he really wants to live his own life. Examples in the film of that are when he is taken to the Open Arms hospital and finds his own way out to escape back the the bathtub and again later in

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