
Oral Birth Control

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The problem I’m addressing is, oral contraceptive birth control should be over the counter. All other forms would require the care of a doctor. This matters because, not only would the price decrease if over it’s over the counter. Because different drugs would be competing against each other. Women also should have the right to protect themselves from pregnancy. Often times insurance companies, and places of employment have the right to deny women of this opportunity. Employment can deny it because of religious exemption. As well, insurance companies make it expensive with co-pays. So many women are unable to afford the doctors appoint, or the actual prescription itself. Also if these types of birth control were available. Abortion rates would …show more content…

Data from countries that already offer over the counter. Determining if it would be cost effective. Risks vs benefits. Public opinion survey, research articles and reviews. This could be possible through the Congressional Leadership Program, Government Relations and Outreach, Legislative Action Center, Ob-gynPAC. The internet, blogs, and word of mouth are also important tools when trying to advocate for something. You don’t have to be rich, or a superstar to allow for your voice to be heard. It just takes hard work, and commitment. Women deserve equal opportunity. Men are able to go to the store and obtain contraceptives for a low price. Why can’t women? Men aren’t required to have their penis’s checked or need a prescription before purchasing a condom. So why is it mandated that women are required. The Supreme Court decided that corporations have the right to deny us insurance coverage of contraceptives. So if they have the right to do that. Then why don’t we have the right to obtain it ourselves without insurance being involved. My goal is to advocate for women to have to right to affordable, and over the counter oral contraceptives. I will advocate for this cause by continuing to educate myself, involve volunteer, invite my friends, utilize social media, and remain a concerned individual while standing up for what I believe. I don’t feel it would be difficult to keep women interested, because most of us have dealt with this issue at one time or another. The biggest problem would be having the time to continue the fight. I know this would take time, and persistence. So it’s important to find the right individual that would be in it for the long hall. I’m aware this fight would be tough. But I do know it’s feasible, and women deserve this right. It’s our body, and we should be able to do as we

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