
Organ Donation Arguments

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The debate over whether getting compensated for the donation of organs is just stirs up moral, religious, and ethical opposition as well as scary hypotheticals. There are many factors to think about when introducing a new market; the biggest being corruption. An unregulated market for the sale of organs opens the doors to potential exploitation and fuels the fire for the black market of organ trafficking. The concern on ethics relates to human dignity. Selling human organs encompasses the possibility of dehumanizing people, essentially forcing them into being seen as a commodity, property, or price. These voiced thoughts address some of the negative possibilities, but nonetheless, the possibilities are just possibilities not absolute effects. The organ shortage continues as the need of organ donors rises. Amid this crisis, there has been a push to persuade more people to donate their and their loved one’s cadaveric organs. However, these efforts seem to be futile, because the gap between supply-and-demand swells each year. The top priority is to increase the number of transplants thus decreasing deaths and ending the suffering of people on dialysis. From all the opposition and speculation, people tend to forget that organ transplantations save lives. They are so blinded by their moral and religious values that they are blinded from the real matter at hand. Economist believe that creating a market for organs will eliminate the gap of supply-and-demand by encouraging people

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