
Organ Donation Shortage

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An average of twenty people pass away due to organ donation shortages these numbers could represent you or your family don't let these numbers stagnate. The following research shows how organ donation is very serious and could be increased with compensation for live donors. In 2013 the list of people waiting climbed all the way to one hundred twenty one thousand two hundred seventy two while there were only fourteen thousand two hundred fifty seven donations including live and dead donors. The facts stand organ sale could help the amount of people that die every year, the amount of poor and unhealthy people waiting, and the crime that would easily be eradicated. The department of health and human services states that “every ten minutes someone is added to the waiting list” “S2” this means in …show more content…

Also the department of health and human services states that “ everyday, an average of seventy nine people receive a transplant. However twenty two people die each day waiting for transplants that can’t take place from shortages of organ donations.” “S2” Even if you can get a organ you body still has a

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