
Organization 's Policies And Procedures For Sales And Distribution Of Video Games

Decent Essays

Provide a list of your organisation’s policies, procedures and plans that will inform team and personal goal setting. If you are not currently working, you can use the policy, procedure and business plan documents in the Assessment Toolkit to provide a list (100 – 200 words).
The companies (owl gaming) policies and procedures towards sales and distribution of video games assist in providing a basis towards informing both personal and team goal setting. By providing the sales targets and annual growth goals of the company as a whole, it provides a point of interest for the team and individual goals to be geared towards achieving. A list of these policies are as follows:
• To increase sales to more than $10 million in a 3 year period
• Bring gross margin back up to above 25%
• Sell $2 million games, hardware and support by 2017
• Improve inventory turnover to 6 terns next year, with a gradual increase of +1 per year.
2 Establish two personal works goals and two team goals based on your job description (and following your organisation’s business plans, goals, and applicable policies and procedures). If you do not have access to these documents, samples are provided for your use in the Assessment Toolkit.

Write your work activity, description and goals in the Work Plan template Student Workbook pages 3-19

1 to 10

Complete the Work Plan template on page 7

Describe how and why you established the 2 personal work goals and two team goals (100 –

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