
Understanding the Management Role to Improve Management Performance

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Assessemnet by Sian Walsh Learning Outcome / Section 1: Understand the specific responsibilities of middle managers in enabling an organisation to achieve its goals AC 1.1 Describe the goals and objectives of your organisation In order for me to describe the goals and objectives of my organisation I need to understand the difference between the two. Goals are generally long term intentions or aims that hopefully can be achieved Goals within my organisation look at where we would continue to strive towards. They are long term aims. They are stated in our professional development plan stating:- (Appendix 1) Excellent Welsh medium education Every pupil to achieve their potential Effective partnerships across all Welsh …show more content…

AC 1.2 Evaluate the specific responsibilities of middle managers in enabling your organisation to achieve its goals. Within my organisation there are is a hierarchy of staff. With the organisation being a school the person to lead the school would the head teacher. Even though it is the head teacher that encourages all staff and students at the school, the board of governors would ensure that the school strive to achieve the goals and objectives that are set. The person next in authority would be the assistant head teacher. Even though the position of the assistant head teacher would be below in seniority it would be fair to say that these two positions would jointly make decisions within my organisation. The next two tiers would include the middle managers. With my organisation being a school these would include the head of Key Stage such (KS) as key stage 3, 4 and 5 and the heads of departments. The head of key stage would be held by the Head of Years (H.O.Y) and being a secondary school it would include the head of year 7 up to and including the head of sixth form. There is also a support staff co-ordinator that would also have the same responsibilities as a middle manager. The diagram below would illustrate the seniority between these positions within the school. School Governor's I Head

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