
Osama Bin Laden Methods Of Communication Essay

Decent Essays

Osama bin Laden communicated with his organization and the world through several different methods. Before 9/11 bin Laden was already a well-known terrorist. His communication skills and ability to lead an organization were comparable to that of a CEO of a company. (Hoffman, 2003) He was able to easily relay what he wanted done and it got carried out. His methods of communication include: emails, couriers, word of mouth and violence. Each of these proved useful in bin Laden’s quest. In his hideout Osama bin Laden had no phone or internet connection. It was baffling how he remained undetected in his emails for all that time without leaving any sort of digital blueprint. After he was killed it was discovered that he would type up an email on his computer and save it to a flash drive. He would then pass this flash drive off to a trusted courier that would then go to an internet café. The …show more content…

Your point is clearly stated to the world population. The panic that it causes makes government officials react without clearly thinking out all the options that are available. Take September 11, 2001 for example. The attacks on the world trade center and pentagon was a clear statement that Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda were declaring war on the United States. They wanted to prove that America was vulnerable and weak. America had it in their mind that they were the world superpower and were untouchable. Bin Laden wanted to strike fear into the hearts of the American citizens and it worked. September 11, 2001 is still being talked about to this day and it is over a decade later. If that does not prove that his influence and communication were effective then what does? On the flip side however, violence breeds confusion, unpredictability and complacency. After the attack al-Qaeda thought they had won. They did not expect a full fledge invasion into their countries in such a short time and a lot of them were caught off

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