
Oskar Schindler's List

Decent Essays

The first character that undoubtedly stood out in my mind is Oskar Schindler. He is a war profiteer, womanizer, member of the Nazi Party, and essentially a con artist. He is a successful businessman with a large ego who regularly cheats on his wife and seems like a poster boy for a typical Nazi member who is all for the belief of Aryan superiority. The fact that he saved about one thousand Jews is incredible considering his roots, position, and reputation. I was very surprised he made such a bold move to spend his money to save people from being sent to death. Another character that stood out to me was Amon Goeth, who is sadistic and absolutely ruthless. He views Jews as unworldly creatures, and kills with no motivation and hesitation. However, …show more content…

He saved more than a thousand Jews by spending huge amounts of money on them which is something I never have been taught before. I knew that Germans and even a few Nazis opposed to what was happening, but I never knew about a Nazi trying to help save Jews. Also, another thing I learned was that it was mandatory for Jews to wear a badge (the Jewish Star) and if not, they are killed. Lastly, I learned that the Jews fought back by malfunctioning the guns of the Nazi soldiers and that is why in the movie, when Amon is trying to shoot the Jew, the gun would not …show more content…

In America alone, it seems as if there are infinite number of cases in which a white individual, especially a police officer, has killed a black person. Also, while North America has many cases regarding domestic abuse, the Middle East is even worse. A majority of places in that area do not allow women to attend school and require them to wear all black, showing no skin besides the face and hands. Furthermore, while homosexuality is becoming a more common thing and more people believe it should be allowed, it is still frowned upon by many people. The point is, the Nazis felt as if Aryans were superior and killed many people because of their belief, and while the amount of killing they did is not happening now, degrading is still a huge issue in the world. While it may not hold to the same results of the Nazi’s solution, the fact that the degraders today feel as if they are better or superior is out of the

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