
Osteoarthritis And Physical Therapy

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Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of muscle pain and disability and is most common in adults over 65 (Brakke, Singh, Sullivan 2012). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis affecting over 12.4 million people over the age of 65. Brakke, Singh, and Sullivan (2012) explain that as those who have this diagnosis is usually treated with physical therapy to decrease pain and disability. Different modalities used including strength training, electrical stimulation, manual therapy, and aquatic therapy are used by therapists to increase physical function, physical activity levels, quality of life, and muscle strength (Brakke, Singh, Sullivan 2012).
Many types of physical treatment are recommended for those suffering from joint and muscle pain. Among those treatments are aquatic and manual therapy. Baena-Beato et al. (2014) states that aquatic exercise is a particular interest because the unique properties of water reduce stress in joints and continuous limb movements against the water resistance result in muscle strength. Hinman, Heywood, and Day (2007) report that aquatic therapy “offers several benefits over land-based physical therapy for people with …show more content…

Rather than releasing tension in the muscles and joints such as in aquatic therapy, manual therapy consists of constant pressure on the affected area, followed by a gradual relief of the pain overtime (Bennell & Hinman, 2011). Tai chi has become a popular land-based therapy that is beneficial for helping with pain, balance, function and flexibility in elderly patients suffering muscle pain (Bennell & Hinman, 2011). Both aquatic and manual therapies have benefits and downfalls, all wanting the result of improving the patient’s quality of

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