
Oswald Mosley Was A Man And The Emotional Aftermath Of The First World War

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Oswald Mosley was a man “intellectually and temperamentally a product of his aristocratic upbringing and the emotional aftermath of the First World War” (Beadle 328). During this time period, he influenced his surroundings with distinct political views and actions throughout Britain. Oswald Mosley influenced his time being a Member of Parliament however discounted many opportunities for action blinded by the search of personal power. This blindness led to a fascist approach towards government with views of leadership, resembling control and courage, and actions facing the problems of the new modern world. The upbringing of Oswald Mosley, born 16 November 1896, started with his aristocratic family. The family had attempts to campaign against nineteenth century laissez-faire capitalism however, never achieved mass support from their peers. His parents separated and Mosley developed under his mother and grandmother. He excelled in many fields leading some to envy in his success. Oswald Mosley married Lady Cynthia Curzon, also known as Cimmie, on 11 May 1920. The wedding was one of the largest social events of the year. Cimmie encouraged Mosley’s determination, however the toll of leaving her out on his own endeavors was an immense burden. These burdens including affairs, a mistress, Diana Guinness, who he had become fond of, all while reaching no conclusion to leave Cimmie. At this point he was well traveled, acquiring diverse perceptions to leadership and the correlation to

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