
Othello, By William Shakespeare

Good Essays

Othello is the perfect example that you can’t believe everything you see or hear in life, also that constant self-doubt can push one to the brink of insanity. It is always important to consider your source of information, can the information source be trusted? In the case of Othello, Iago has poured information into his ear that holds no truth or worth. Iago states that, “I’ll pour this pestilence into his ear” (II.III.330). “The Moor already changes with my poison” (III.III.329–336). Despite the obvious fact that Iago is not being truthful to Othello, he believes Iago and his word. Iago ensures him of that, “My Lord, you know I’m your friend” (III.III.6). Othello responds with, “I think you are. And I know you’re full of love and honesty, and you think carefully before you speak” (III.III.6). Othello believes the false accusations that Iago has poured into him. Iago is so sore at Othello that he chose him over Cassio to be his lieutenant. Iago felt he should have been the one chosen to fulfill the duties of the position. Iago has a plan to cast revenge on Othello and will see to it that he carries it out no matter the cost or lives lost.
Iago is portrayed as the evil character in the play, or the villain so to speak. Iago uses many people to his advantage to fulfill his plan of revenge on Othello without them even knowing what he is doing. Iago is so disappointed with Othello for not choosing him to be his lieutenant that he is consumed with envy and rage to ruin every

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