
Othello, By William Shakespeare

Satisfactory Essays

The terminal figure of kindship in this play are profitable in condition of good and immorality. Othello is presented as good and Iago as evil, but Iago and Othello’s relationship also shares a distrust of their wives. The overall logical argument is based on love, jealousy and betrayal between two lovers that ultimately leads to their separation because of Iago’s evil plan.
I am using this article to agree with Berry 's view on how Iago separates two lovers just so he can take retaliation on Othello by manipulating everyone to unmasking their true intentions. He knows how to ask the right questions and say the right thing to achieve his desired consequence such as playacting with Othello’s mind about his wife committing adultery.

Draper, John W. "Honest Iago." Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (1931): 724-737. Print. 27 March 2016.
Draper argues in his article how Iago’s actions and speeches appear to give him such wickedness behavior, and yield the incrimination off a villain who is very nearly a scapegoat, and spreads that blame evenly among the other characters. He is not as the interesting Machiavel, instead he is the master-mind that foresees and delays and so foreordains the actions of his comrade.
I am using Draper 's article because I completely agree about the fact that Iago is a master in asking the right questions to say the right things. Iago is shown as a person who takes advantage of every opportunity and who cleverly understand

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