
Othello Quote Analysis

Decent Essays

Jealousy is a natural human emotion, in which all human beings feel from time to time within their life. No individual person is immuned to it, for the fact that it is completely natural to human behavior. Therefore, human beings feel all types of emotions; happiness, anger, sadness, and jealousy. Unfortunately for jealousy, if there is too much of it, it can lead to many problems. As seen in William Shakespeare’s infamous tragic play “Othello” a young man named Othello experiences jealousy firsthand when he is haunted by the idea that his new wife Desdemona may be having an affair with Othello’s friend Cassio. Now, this thought was planted into Othello’s mind, when Iago--the villain in the play who pretends to be Othello’s close friend, but …show more content…

However, as shown in “Othello” it seems that it is difficult to stray away from what is human nature. Iago is a man who is filled with jealousy and anger for Othello. Since Othello believes that both he and Iago are wonderful friends, he misses the fact that Iago is in fact a con artist, playing Othello, waiting to cause much pain to Othello. On the contrary, Othello does realize the jealousy and anger reflecting off of Roderigo. Othello does not know much of Roderigo, but Othello does know that Roderigo despises Othello and wishes that he had Desdemona. Othello realizes the hate from Roderigo to the fact in the first act when Roderigo and Brabantio went to Othello to attack him for marrying Desdemona and apparently “stealing” her or using “black magic” on Desdemona. It would be assumed that Othello does not think very highly of Roderigo and would not admire Roderigo’s character. Evidence to support this can be found that Roderigo is so immoral, that Brabantio in Act I, does not want his daughter Desdemona to marry Roderigo. Also, Roderigo seems like a character who does not think before he acts and Othello would not admire that. Othello essentially becomes bound to the jealousy, just like how Roderigo was, despite Othello knowing that Roderigo had a deep anger and possibly a sense of …show more content…

Bradley suggests that possibly Othello could have been so easily succumbed to the green-eyed monster is because he was in fact honorable and noble. Othello believed in his trust and placed trust within Iago, which was a big mistake on Othello’s part. Roderigo did the same, placing the same trust within Iago. Both Othello and Roderigo had no reason to mistrust Iago. Othello considered Iago as a close friend, who he could tell his deepest secrets to. Roderigo considered him as an acquaintance that would allow him to rid the world of the “Moor” Othello. However, the difference between Roderigo and Othello, is that Roderigo began to realize that Iago was playing him in a way that would hurt the cause of getting rid of Othello. Othello did not realize this and was instead consumed by jealousy of the lies spoken by his close friend

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