
Our Being Down Analysis

Decent Essays

a) Anger likes to show up in our everyday life. It truly is unpredictable on when it decides to, in fact, show up. The best thing about anger, though, is the ability to be able to control it. It generally is easy to do so, but when we get provoked the line between having control and being out of control, thins. This is when our ability is on show, you either punch the guy, through the vase, or yell out the most creative vocabulary you have, or you simply shake the person’s hand and wish them a good day. Be random when you choose to control your anger or let your anger lost control of you.

b. Answer in complete sentences questions 2,3, and 4 on page 465 (Discussion Questions).

b) 2- This essay has an unstated point. The unstated point of this essay is, you have the ability to say yes to anger and act upon it or say no to it and not act. The thing about saying yes or saying no is the fact that it is completely random, almost as random as flipping a coin. …show more content…

The second “our being down”, in paragraph 14, means they literally are down, on the ground. Let’s just say they are not winning the fight.

4- The effectiveness in paragraph 16, by the figurative language, is astounding. You can image every male in that bar locking on to the two men. You can see they are ready to fight, even though they might not know why those two men are going to fight, they are still ready, trying to decide which side they are willing to fight on. It made the story open to, not just the two men, but to the whole bar.

c. Write a short paragraph in response to the first question only under Toward Key Insights, page

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