
Our Town Theme Essay

Decent Essays

In Our Town, Thorton Wilder, shows many different possible themes for the play. There's the theme of life, death, emotion, etc, etc. However, I will be looking at the theme that Wilder shows Our Town's understanding of life and death. This can be proven by examining the lives of Joe Crowell, Emily Webb, and Simon Stimpson. First, we are shown Joe Crowell, the town's paperboy. Now, Joe's told to be a young, bright kid thanks to the line, "Joe was awful bright graduated from high school here, head of his class"(Wilder 4). The story shows how he goes on to college to live his dream career, to give his life actual meaning. Joe however, came to a tragic death when he had to go to war and died in France. This was told in the line, "But the war broke out and he died in France. All that education for nothing"(Wilder 4). It was rather an unfortunate downfall for someone who worked so hard in school to try his best to get a good career for himself, to die before he could even begin to work in the field he really wanted. Next, we are shown Emily Webb. Emily is another bright student, much older than Joe Crowell however. Emily herself even says, "I'm the brightest girl in school for my age. I have a wonderful memory"(Wilder 8). …show more content…

They move into a nice settlement with the money George's mother had as her legacy. Eventually they have their first child, and try to have another one. That's when Emily's world crashed down on her. Emily had died of childbirth, and her cousin came to her funeral. Joe Stoddard lets him know what has happened with the line, "Oh, didn't you know? Had some trouble bringing a baby into the world. 'Twas her second, though. There's a little boy 'bout four years old"(Wilder 54). Even Mrs. Soames, one of the cheeriest people during the whole play, says to the others in death with her, "Childbirth. I'd forgotten all about that. My, wasn't life awful…and wonderful"(Wilder

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