
Out Of The Flies, And C. S. Lewis's Out Of The Flies

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That Hideous Evil
In William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, and C. S. Lewis’s Out of the Silent Planet all depict how mankind is born innocent and turned to evil. The stories show that this conversion to evil is caused by the influence of society or characters acting in the place of a society. The corruptibility of mankind is illuminated in these texts. The treachery, dishonesty, and murder as shown in the stories are not acts of innocence. In their books, the authors point out that mankind is not innately evil, but instead born innocent and converted to evil by society.
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is a story about the death of the first Roman dictator, Julius Caesar. Caesar's followers kill him in order to end his reign of power. Brutus, one of Caesar’s murderers and close friends, is a perfect example of a man turned to evil. Brutus was innocent; Mark Antony, Caesar’s successor and Brutus’s enemy, goes as far as to say Brutus “was the most noblest Roman of them all” (5.5.68). Brutus’s innocence is show before the killing of Caesar when Brutus struggles with the thought of killing Caesar even though he thought it would save Rome. Brutus wished to help Rome although he did not want to harm his friend, nor did Brutus want to harm anyone else. The conspirators who killed Caesar also wanted to kill Antony but Brutus persuaded them to let Antony live. Brutus is a kind man. This is shown in his great respect for his servant

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