
Outline For Reconstruction Essay

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Rough Outline:

Fill in the outline below. Draft due 2/26

a. Argument: Freed African-Americans could consider the Reconstruction a partial failure because while it secured basic rights for African Americans, they were still not socially, legally, or economically equal to the white citizens.
a. Time: 1865-1888
b. Place: United States Southern States
c. Topic: Effect of Reconstruction
2. Body Paragraph One – Topic 1: Voting was a right African Americans earned during Reconstruction, but with social and legal tension this was a right that was almost impossible to achieve for most; leaving them legally unequal.
a. Evidence 1: The 15th amendment guaranteed the right to vote for African Americans, promising any man that was a citizen …show more content…

Evidence 2: Laws like the Poll tax and Literacy tests kept freedmen out of the stands by forcing unreasonable questions and qualities onto them. (Textbook pg. 568)
i. Analysis 2: As white southern Democrats were the founders of these laws, they were made to restrict the voices of the freedmen in government as they thought it was wrong. This kept the government as a “White Man’s Government” and limited the actual right from the 15th amendment.
e. Evidence 3: White supremacy groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the White League also kept black voters out of the stands by enforcing violence and sometimes even murder to keep their views as the reality. (doc. D, Textbook Pg. --)
i. Analysis 3: The Ku Klux Klan and the White League believed that a freedman having a voice in government was wrong, as did most of the white Southern population. To enforce their beliefs, these to white supremacist groups used violence and even murder to drive African-Americans from the polls.
3. Body Paragraph Two - Topic 2: Freedmen and women could consider Reconstruction a partial failure because while black citizens were now paid for their service, obtaining a job and earning equal pay as a white brother was a strenuous task which left them economically …show more content…

Analysis 1: While southern Democrats did not believe in paying labor for blacks, there were people out there besides the black citizens fighting for the black’s rights and trying to make a change. They took time to explain and put into place labor systems that rewarded the African Americans with the pay they deserved and that made a change in the South.
f. Evidence 2: Even when they have the exact same job as a white citizen, African-Americans most always got paid significantly less than the white citizens working beside him/her. (Doc. E)
g. Analysis 2: This was not the amount African-Americans deserved for the duties they provided, but because of discrimination this was the norm in the South. White bosses of black citizens paid them entirely on what color their skin was, instead of how well they worked.
h. Evidence 3: Augustus Straker, an African-American lawyer noted that blacks often got as little as 15 cents a day, or a total of six to eight dollars a month. (Doc. E)
i. Analysis 3: This only sometimes barely got African-Americans through day-to-day life and usually left them with little to spend on anything but the necessities, leaving them poor and having to take on more work so they could provide for their families as well as

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