
Output Variables: Personological And Situational Input Differences

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Both kinds of input variables–personological and situational–can influence the present internal state of the person–cognitive, affective, and arousal variables. For example, people who score high on measures of aggressive personality have highly accessible knowledge structures for aggression-related information. They think aggressive thoughts more frequently than do those individuals who score low on aggressive personality measures, and have social perception schemas that lead to hostile perception, expectation, and attributional biases.

Situational input variables can also influence the current accessibility of aggression-related knowledge structures. Being insulted may cause a person to think of how to return the insult in a harmful way (a behavioral script). More central to the present research, we believe that playing a violent video game also can increase the accessibility of aggressive cognitions by semantic priming processes. We know from related research that merely seeing a picture of a gun or other weapon can increase the accessibility of aggressive thoughts. Presumedly, this process accounts for the "weapons effect" first …show more content…

Some people feel angry a lot of the time. Some situations can make anybody angry. We do not, however, expect that playing violent video games will routinely increase feelings of anger, compared with playing a nonviolent game. To be sure, playing a frustrating game is likely to increase anger. Violent content by itself, however, in the absence of another provocation, is likely to have little direct impact on affect. We deliberately chose to use a pair of violent and nonviolent games that are equally well liked for Study 2. In effect, this choice closes off this particular route to aggression, allowing a cleaner test of the more critical hypothesis that violent content itself can increase

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