
Outsiders Reflection on Difference

Decent Essays

Difference. The thing that makes a person a person. We would all be the same if differences never existed, not only differences in physical features, but personality, humor, and sincerity. In the book The Outsiders by SE Hinton, there are many details, some of minor significance, some not as trivial. The movie The Outsiders, produced the endowed Francis Coppola's undiluted ingenuity, the director of the fine movie, contains these essential details obviously, but also adds in some lesser minutiae that was not mentioned in the book. Why? That’s the reason why I’m writing this essay. There are many ways that the book and the movie are different, comparisons and contrasts the reader and watcher would naturally dismiss as something the director thought randomly to include. But no, not randomly―purposefully. The story takes place in the 1960s, and amongst the youths of a town in Oklahoma, there is war. The two social classes, Greasers (the poor) and Socs (the rich), fight against one another, controlled by stereotypes, and two young teenagers change the history of it in a single night. The scene included in the movie when Dally robs the store gives the audience the understanding of how depressed and upset Dally Winston (Played by Matt Dillon) was and why he was led to robbing this store. This happened in the book, yes, but it never showed what really happened at the time. The scene starts off with Dally, his blank face frozen in that one horrified expression, and his dazed,

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