
Overcoming Adversity In Sonny's Blues By James Baldwin

Good Essays

Mykel Gordon

ENC 1102

People face trying times throughout their life. They are presented with obstacles to overcome, and when faced with these obstructions, they look for something to assist them in overcoming. Unfortunately, overcoming them is not the goal for some. They would rather find something to relieve the problem, instead of something to remove the problem. In the city of Harlem, there are not too many positive outlets to relieve one of their stress. The environment is not necessarily ideal for the advancement of an individual. This is shown in James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues”, as Sonny is faced with adversity within the city of Harlem, it is these events that shape Sonny’s life.
During the time “Sonny’s …show more content…

They had gone to a place that strongly resembled their childhood environment. They looked out of separate car windows and thought about their memories they held back home. The similarity was so strong that Sonny’s brother began to think he was “simply bringing him back into the danger he almost died trying to escape” (Baldwin 99). Sonny’s brother was aware of how the environment affected Sonny. So as the time progressed he continued to observe Sonny for signs of discomfort. When they arrived, their mother spoke to Sonny’s brother and asked him to watch over him. Recently, their uncle had been killed by drunken white men after he was run over. This is incorporated into the story to show racism within the city. After hearing this Sonny’s brother promised their mother that he will look after him. Sonny’s brother spent the time after his mother died trying to make Sonny more like him. He attempted to get Sonny to go to school, and he brought him to live with his wife. He was almost forcing his ideas on Sonny. Sonny had been skipping school. His brother and his wife had not been aware. It appeared that Sonny had been going to Greenwich Village to practice his …show more content…

The presence of drugs had sucked him in, and he has experiences with the bad of what Harlem has to offer. He has also experienced another, less harmful, aspects of Harlem. He turned his sorrow into his music. The music was an emotional outlet for him. He was one of the fortunate ones. He went to prison, got another chance, and with the help of his family was able to turn his life around. Being an African American in the slums of Harlem definitely had an impact on Sonny’s life. Works Cited
Arthur, James. "Explanation of: 'Sonny's Blues' by James Baldwin." LitFinder Contemporary Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2009. LitFinder. Web. 11 July 2016.
Baldwin, James “Sonny’s Blues.” The Norton Introduction to Literature. Ed. Kelly J. May, Bryan Crockett, and Gayla McGlamery. 12th ed. New York: Norton, 2016. 93-115. Print.
Goldman, Suzy Bernstein. "James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues": A Message in Music." Negro American Literature Forum 8.3 (1974): 231-33. Web.
Reilly, John M. ""Sonny's Blues": James Baldwin's Image of Black Community." Negro American Literature Forum 4.2 (1970): 56-60. Web.
Sherard, Tracey. "Sonny's Bebop: Baldwin's "Blues Text" as Intracultural Critique." African American Review 32.4 (1998): 691-705. Web.
Swartz, Patti Capel. "Masks And Masquerade: The Iconography Of The Harlem Renaissance." Midwest Quarterly 35.1 (1993): 49-62. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 July

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