
Overcoming Challenges In Softball

Decent Essays

I had to overcome a lot of things to get to where I am today in softball. I learned a lot of things from the challenges I faced in softball. I played softball for eleven years. About five years into playing the sport I was offered to play on a tournament team and I have played there ever since. In many years of playing I overcame a lot such as injuries, time management and struggles becoming a pitcher. One big thing to overcome when playing any sport are injuries. They are not a fun thing to have when you are halfway into the season. I experienced two major injuries which were my hips and shoulders. They were hard to overcome at first because I thought they were never going to get better. It was incredibly hard for me to sit out of games and practices because of being hurt. Eventually they both got better because I went to physical therapy. From the experiences I learned that you can not give up and have to listen to the doctors. Another hard thing that athletes face …show more content…

With anything you start out doing you have to work hard to become good at it. When I started pitching I was not the best pitcher. I felt unsure if I wanted to continue the sport because I was not the greatest. My parents signed me up for pitching lessons and I started to get better and gain more confidence. I have now been pitching for nine years and became a lot better. Over time I have learn that practice makes you much better and not to give up. Throughout my eleven years of playing softball I was faced with challenges that I had to solve such as being hurt, stressing about time management and starting out pitching. I overcame my injuries by being patient and listening to the doctor. The stress I was facing from lack of time management went away after I learn to manage it better. My struggles I faced trying to start out pitching faded once I practice more. Overcoming things can seem hard at first but if you keep trying you will overcome

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