
Overcoming Fear Of Change: Personal Narrative Analysis

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One day and one experience changed my perspective and how I understand risk. I have learned that you must overcome a fear of change, in order to move on in life. When I was in third grade, I had the chance to switch to a older basketball league. But I was scared of the change of skill level, and different friends. I was also scared of being cut from the team because I knew I would be crushed. Fear of change can overpower a person, by making them miss out on amazing opportunities. When I was a third grader, it was the October of 2013 when I had my incredible chance. I loved basketball and it was my favorite thing to do. I hadn't played in an actual league, but I played Parks and Rec. My older sister, who was a sixth grader and also a fan of the game, played for a …show more content…

I learned that day, that by conquering a fear, all the regrets and problems that that fear caused, dissolve away. After tryouts, I had a exciting and enjoyable season with the older girls. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made, and I continued to try out each year following that one. Whenever I run into a hard decision, where one path leads to a risk and the other leads to safety and regret, I think back on that day, and think what would have happened if I didn't overcome change. I wouldn't be a stronger person, and I would miss out on more incredible experiences because of changes like new environment, new people and the overall unknown. One of life's biggest mystery, is change. It's controversial. It's scary, yet exciting at the same time. For me, whenever I came to a change in my life, I was afraid of diving into the unknown, and not knowing what's next. I never wanted to fail, so I thought playing the safe card was simple and easy. But that brought another fear. The fear of missing out because I took the safe path and not the risky one. After I let go of my fear, I was still scared of unknown experiences, but I was willing to try

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