
PED In Sports

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Throughout sports history, banned substances, also known as “performance enhancing drugs” have been used in sport by athletes in order to attain artificial improvement of physical output, however, these PED’s can cause great harm on one’s health. The use of PED’s are mainly being used at the professional level, (MLB, NFL, NBA), but we have not been able to get a full understanding of the use of banned substances at the amateur level of sports. In the history of sport, there were two golden ages; classical ancient Greece, and the England of the Victorian years. According to historians like E. Norman Gardiner or John Mahaffy, it was only the athletes of those times the ones who truly practiced sport without distorting or perverting its playful nature. Since its practice was regarded as the objective itself, in the understanding that the sake of it lied in participating and enjoying by means of testing their own physical capabilities (Macias, 2016). However, in today’s society, this has changed. Many athletes (professional and amateur) are pushed daily to succeed under high-pressure situations and are often pressured into using performance enhancing drugs. The Research Problem What factors lead amateur athletes to turn to the use of performance enhancing drugs? The goal of this literature review is to determine what the factors are …show more content…

Madigan, Joachim Stoeber and Louis Passfield called, Perfectionism and attitudes towards doping in junior athletes, discusses the challenges that many young athletes face in regard to trying to be “perfect”. The pressure to be “perfect” captures many young athletes’ perceptions that their parents expect them to be extraordinary and would criticize them if they failed to deliver. The added pressure from coaches to be perfect can also deter young athletes’ focus on doing what is right or doing what will allow them to succeed and ultimately satisfy their parents and coaches desires (Madigan, Stoeber & Passfield,

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