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Chapter I Introduction One of the development goals of the Republic of Indonesia is improving the quality of human. Theoretically, the example human quality are intelligent, educated and healthy, will always improve quality and at the same time as members of the community will help to improve the quality of community life. The role of life quality can be seen from the increase in income, housing quality, good health and others. But in reality the relationship is not only the unidirectional, but reciprocity. High quality of life will also affect the quality of the human being. For example, a high income is able to provide nutritional diversity to the intellectual development of children and the opportunity to improve higher education. …show more content…

B. Indicators of Human Resources To obtain an indicator of adequate human resources is very difficult, because, as explained in advance, the dimensions of human resources is very broad, which includes both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the micro and macro scale. The following will discuss some of the indicators of human resources that can be used to assess the condition of human resources in an area. Quantitatively, HR can be seen in terms of number, for example the number of population, number of workers, and the labor force. But keep in mind that in order to obtain a true picture, these variables need to be combined with other variables, such as level of education, literacy, skills, and health status (life expectancy) (Widarti, 1993). Other variables that can be used, especially with regard to aspects of employment is derived variables LUA approach (Labor Utilization Approach) by Hauser (1974). In this approach the labor force can be divided into the labor force and are not fully utilized fully. Labor force that is not fully utilized can be divided into not used at all (unemployed) and underemployed (underemployment). Underemployed can be subdivided into underemployed according to working hours, wages, and mismatch. Briefly, these variables can be explained as follows. a. LFPR (labor force participation rate) is the ratio between the number of labor force to the working age population. b.

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