
Pain-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

Bang! A metal ball slammed into the concrete wall behind me after I ran to avoid it. I was panting and shaking due to the side effects of the drug being tested on me. There was a crackling sound, then a voice spoke through the speakers. "Subject thirteen, we’ll be firing the last round now and it would be in your best interest to dodge it like the previous." There was a few seconds of peace before they shot it off. It flew toward me at an alarming rate and even with this drug drastically increasing my speed; I could not avoid it. It slammed into my chest and knocked me back several feet whilst the feeling of my ribs splintering and breaking overtook my senses. The immense amount of pain was surely over 50 dels and more than enough to knock …show more content…

"Sparky!", they cry out, "Thank God that you're awake! I really thought they had killed you this time." I instantly recognize their voice and identify them as my friend Yuji. As my eyes clear up I can see his mop of messy blonde hair and red-rimmed emerald green eyes. "Yuji, where am I right now?" I try to sit up but end up falling back again due to the pain in my chest. I watch as Yuji's face lights up with worry. "We're in subject containment. You shouldn't move much, that last experiment nearly cost you your life. You were lucky that no bone fragment made their way into any vital organs." I force myself up into a sitting position and grin at him. "I'm not weak like you brat, don't try and limit me. How long was I out? Did the drugs change how I look any?" I look down at the black and white uniform that all of us test subjects are given and don't notice anything unusual about my body. "A solid week and you look the same. It's a good thing they gave you some of the Queen Scale in an IV to help you heal faster. You must be a very special subject for them to do something like that. Most of the time they don't care if we live or die as long as they get their tests done." His words cause a disturbance in my mind. He's right

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