
Parables In The Gospel Of Luke

Decent Essays

The Gospel of Luke is the most descriptive account for Jesus Christ’s life. Through this Gospel it gives its readers a foretaste into the birth and early life of Jesus and his disciples. Luke described who Jesus was as a person and what Jesus had accomplished through his life, death, and resurrection. This Gospel has various themes. Some themes are the parables, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the joy and rejoicing. The Gospel of Luke has some very significant parables that are still taught today. One parable is The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). In this parable a man was walking down to Jericho when robbers attacked him. They left him there half dead and beaten up. A priest happened to go down the same road and when he saw the man he didn't even stop he kept walking. Also, a Levite saw him and walked past him on the other side. But when a Samaritan saw him he stopped and had mercifulness for him. He helped him bandaged his wounds, and then he carried the man onto his donkey and led him to an inn where he could take care of him. He told the innkeeper to look after him and when he returns he will pay any of the extra expenses.
The lesson of this parable is that we may view anyone who needs our help as our …show more content…

Joy and rejoicing means when, gladness, is not happiness that depends on our circumstances and our moods; which has to do with our emotions or position in life. This joy is something that is constant; it is from within us because Jesus lives within us. Joy and rejoicing appears in Luke 15:3-7. This is present in the Parable of the Lost Sheep. It explains that if one of the hundred sheep were missing he would go and look for it and once he found the sheep he would joyfully put it on his shoulders and heads home. He calls his neighbors to rejoice with him since he had found his lost sheep. He says there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who

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