
Paradox Of Death

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The paradox of a culture of death
On the one hand, death is on the agenda. It introduces into our homes, inevitably, through the media. Both television news and newspapers, along with news of a political nature, the massacres, terrorist attacks or murders occupy the first page. Stimulate little news (and "justify") the attitude of a healthy optimism about the future of man. The question then arises whether the biological progress of humanization has its historical continuum to progressive and irreversible humanization. The appearance of reality (almost say, "his evidence"), it seems to respond negatively beforehand: When technical progress does not seem to accompany moral progress.
While we find that today as never before have been so hard …show more content…

But on the issue of euthanasia distance itself from the Stoic current. And the Church's conviction that "God is the only master of life and man is his mere administrator." The Vatican also act in a very tough way against euthanasia, mentioned by the abortion, suicide and genocide: "All these practices and others like themselves are degrading, degrade human civilization, dishonor perpetrators more than the victims and militate against the honor due to the Creator" (GS …show more content…

This means that life must not be prolonged unnecessarily, but it also means that the human being cannot have arbitrarily life, neither at the beginning nor the end. Life, with its limitations, is a divine gift. Therefore, we refuse to say-that euthanasia deliberately caused the death. The Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ to accept help expiration of our life and allow death when the time comes. "
Islamic vision
Nadeem Elyas, chairman of the Islamic Council in Germany told us, "Islam allows, in certain cases, that termination of the measures to prolong life artificially, as there is clinging to her. When life comes to an end, you have to go with satisfaction death. one should not, therefore, prolong life at all costs, where science and reason do not see perspective. Islam prohibits any kind of euthanasia. Life is a divine gift, that there protection and care as possible. God alone determines the end of life. "
The Jewish

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