
Paranoid Personality Disorder Essay

Decent Essays

Paranoid Personality Disorder:

1. Comprehensive treatment is considered useful to treat Paranoid personality disorder. It refers to services that do not take place in a formal treatment system. It proves to be beneficial t improve symptoms, helps recovery, and improves stigma.
2. Family self-help, Consumer self-help programs, , advocacy, and services for housing and vocational support also helps.

1. Psychotherapy is the most beneficial method of treatment for Paranoid Personality Disorder.
A confident therapist-client relationship helps people to benefit with the disorder. However, developing and maintaining the relation between therapist and client is hard even if therapist has been able to earn client’s trust.

Medications: …show more content…

Cognitive-restructuring may also prove to be helpful to tackle specific types of clear, illogical thoughts, which are responsible for influencing patients behavior negatively.
3. Group therapy can also be effective.
4. Self-help programs, family self-help, advocacy and services for housing and vocational assistance are also helpful.


Medications are usually not encouraged for schizoid personality disorder. However, they may be used sometimes for treatment of severe anxiety conditions connected with this disorder

Schizotypal Personality Disorder:
Schizotypal personality disorder treatment usually involves one or more types of psychotherapy, and a combination of medications.

1. Behavior therapy is helpful in learning certain social skills and behaviors.
2. Cognitive therapy is useful in changing irregular thought patterns.
3. Family therapy is proved effective as pursuing professional counseling as a group may helps reduce getting into fights or emotional distance that develops between them eventually. It helps to improve and build trust in the home.


The Food and Drug Administration approves no medications for the treatment of schizotypal personality disorder. However, some medicines may be prescribed to help reduce certain symptoms i.e. psychotic episodes, or related conditions, such as depression or

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