
Parental Power And Adult Authority

Decent Essays

“Control reflects the center of power or the source of decision making in the relationship and has a continuum that ranges from parental to child control. Types of parental power indicate the methods parents use to exert their influence on the child” (Vargas, Busch-Rossnagel, Montero-Sieburth, and Villarruel, 2000). However, a recent study found that Hispanic children who are between the ages of four and six often struggle with depression, anxiety, and somatization due to common parenting styles within Hispanic culture (Cohen, 2015). Hispanic parents tend to control by teaching their children to be obedient and show absolute respect for adult authority. They also control their children by clear rules, high standards, strict …show more content…

Baptism and Confirmations are major religious celebrations for Hispanic families that contribute the main part of the Hispanic culture and traditions. In fact, there are many Hispanic children are still baptized as Catholics (Social Issues Reference, 2010). Hispanic families have strong and supportive family relationships and genuine parenting practice. Most studies found that family cohesion helps to maintain adolescent’s behaviors, decrease negative outcomes, and promote psychological well-being. “For example, family cohesion has been found to decrease the risk of conduct problems and rule breaking among Mexican-origin adolescents” (Marsiglia, Parsai, & Kulis, 2009). Typically, Hispanic adolescents who associate with higher levels of family cohesion reduce the rate of consuming alcohol and illicit drug as well as depress symptoms. In fact, the higher level of family cohesion may decrease family problems such as parent-adolescent conflict and improve family’s well-being. Another study found that Hispanic adolescents who associate with lower and higher levels family cohesion were great risk for alcohol use because high cohesion might be caused controlling rather that supportive (Lee & Warner, 2015). Moreover, many studies found that Hispanic adolescents in immigrant families have more parent-adolescents

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