
Parenting Styles: Authoritative, Permissive, And Neglectful

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Parent’s play a significant role in the outcome of the child. The style of parenting and family experiences a child is exposed to are vital to the outcome of the child’s behavior and attitude for all their life. Overall, there are four types of parenting styles: Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive, and Neglectful. Authoritative parents show a moderate amount of control and are very responsive and warm to the child. They show trust, open communication, acceptance, and show high levels of awareness (where their child is, who they are with, etc.) Authoritarian parents show high levels of control and low levels of warmth. They expect, even demand, hard work, obedience, and respect from their child with little to no response of acceptance or …show more content…

Adolescents from authoritative families “reported higher levels of child disclosure, parental monitoring behavior, parental trust and parental engagement” (Aunola et al., 2000) than participants from other families. Neglectful families show a “high level of perceived distrust” and a lower level of “parental engagement, monitoring and control” (Aunola et al, 2000). Authoritarian families showed the highest levels of control but the lowest levels of trust out of all the other families. Permissive families fell in between all other families in terms of parent control, engagement, child disclosure and parental monitoring. Results from the parent’s questionnaires coincide with the results of their child’s. Meaning children that showed living in a household with permissive parenting styles, the results of the parent’s questionnaire also showed permissive parenting styles. The results from the adolescent’s questionnaires support the researcher’s hypotheses and what they expected. An interesting note would be that the researchers did determine gender differences in behavior. Girls were overrepresented in authoritative families, whereas boys were overrepresented in neglectful

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